Access to product data and services
Ranges of technical support and services can be provided to engineers. You can obtain the data of VINKO products through our catalogue, website, Cadenas, etc.

CAD Download

1.Cadenas CAD download
Cadenas 3D CAD website can generate up to 70 different formats of 3DCAD data models online.
It can effectively avoid mistakes in the selection process, and significantly improve the efficiency of engineers.
■ Cadenas CAD download
2. 3d CAD offline software download
The latest 3D data model of VINKO products in stp format can be downloaded from the netdisk.
■ VINKO offlineCD v11sp20240130(stp)
3. Online registration and instructions
Engineers can log in through free registration and generate 3D models in dozens of commonly used 3D design software formats such as Solidworks, Pro/E, CATIA, etc. online.
※ Prompt 1: The CAD download platform needs to register an independent account and
4. Download Customer Demand List
Thank you for inquiry about our products. Please fill in the demand information and contact us. Our technical engineers will contact you as soon as possible!
■ Customer Demand List(2021).doc
To become a partner of VINKO
If you are interested in our products, please submit your contact information and we will contact you as soon as possible
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